Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Free Will: Artistic Evidence

Art as evidence would be a paradox to some.  But sometimes art is the best way to describe or validate something. Artistic reinforcement of truth is why a preacher tells a story in his otherwise scientific sermon.

Free Will is theologically scientific. But maybe it is best expressed in the words of a song. Actually not the words. Rather, it is evidenced by the myriad of free choices that make up the presentation of that song.

As a vocal artiste, I can offer highly personalized experience that proves the existence of Free Will - which, if I may reveal my bias, is the greatest gift of God's grace ever given to humanity.

As a worship leader for 20 years, I have had the tremendous artistic pleasure of offering up musical self-expressions to a congregation or audience literally thousands of times.  I am sure I have sung certain songs hundreds of times. And as a painter will never produce the same brush strokes twice, I can say with a high degree of certainty that I have never sang a song the same way twice. Ever.

Posture. Breathing. Vocal Health. Tone Placement. Articulation. Vowel Formation. Volume. Pitch. Facial Presentation. Passion. Sincerity. Confidence.

These are just a few of the major categories of factors that influence one millisecond of sound that protrudes from a singer's body. When a singer has a handle on several of these categories, we may not recognize the categories per se, but we simply call them a great singer. We do not ponder the numerous involuntary (habitual) and voluntary (intentional) choices that make up a single note of a song, let alone the perhaps billion micro choices that make up an entire song. This, my friends, is Free Will in a rich artistic form.

If a singer delivers a song with several of these major categories in tact, we unassumedly say they have great control. What we are saying is that they have the ability to make their body, mind, and spirit do exactly what they want.  The notes come out beautiful, tuned, stylistic, interpretive, communicative, forceful, graceful, effortless, provocative, believable, free. Free.

When we sing, we sing a song of freedom.